Certification in Ho’oponopono and Forgiveness at Virtued Academy
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Certification in Ho’oponopono and Forgiveness

About the course

In order to find peace and happiness, lessen stress, anxiety, despair, and negativity, as well as to heal childhood trauma, practitioners can learn how to combine Ho'oponopono and other forgiveness practises in this AIOTH, UK recognised certification masterclass in Ho'oponopono & Forgiveness. Participants in this session will learn sophisticated forgiveness practises to aid in letting go of unfavourable feelings and constricting attitudes. By the completion of the course, participants will have the abilities and information necessary to use Ho'oponopono & forgiveness procedures in their personal and professional life, as well as to assist others in doing the same.

In this course, you will learn:

  • Introduction to Forgiveness
  • Types of forgiveness
  • Introduction to Ho’oponopono
  • The four steps of Ho’oponopono
  • Techniques for practicing Ho’oponopono
  • Step-by-Step Ho’oponopono Practice
  • Common Myths and Facts
  • Daily Routines for Ho’oponopono and Forgiveness
  • Techniques for Self-forgiveness and Self-acceptance
  • How to apply Ho’oponopono and forgiveness in relationships
  • Using Ho’oponopono and forgiveness for self-healing and growth
  • Ho'oponopono and forgiveness for workplace dynamics and productivity
  • Techniques for resolving conflicts and building stronger teams
  • Examples of Ho'oponopono and forgiveness in business and organizational contexts
  • Barriers to forgiveness and solutions
  • Techniques for dealing with resentment, anger, and trauma

This programme is accredited, and this Udemy course is recognized for certification by Virtued Academy International, an autonomous institute, under the Virtued Society, incorporated under the act 21, 1860 of the Government of U.P., India. Validity & Utility of the training is conditionally in conformity with the Constitution of India, and the laws of the land under Article 19 1 G. Virtued Academy International provides continuing education for individuals interested in self-development and students should contact the IAOTH, UK for registration/ accreditation and relevant local authorities for the scope of practice.


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