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This course will assist you in developing your psychic mediumship, intuition, sensitising your clair senses (clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and claircognizance), opening your third eye, balancing your chakras, cleansing and energising your aura, awakening Kundalini, and preparing you to work as a professional psychic with the ability to read auras. The skills of a shaman or shamanism (shamanic healing, witchcraft or Wicca, soul retrieval), communication with angels or archangels (angelic communication, healing, and therapy), meditation and mindfulness, Reiki, lucid dreaming, hypnosis/self-hypnosis/hypnotherapy, self-acceptance/self-love, self-esteem, attraction, and radiate confidence through the spiritual law of attraction are also covered in this course. After comprehending psychic concepts and abilities, you will also be able to relate the fundamental ideas underlying the miracles that have occurred in the present and that have been mentioned in the history and mythology of all major religions, including Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Kabbalah.
Virtued Academy International, an independent organisation that is part of the Virtued Society and was established in accordance with Act 21 of 1860 of the Government of U.P., India, has authorised this programme and approved this Udemy course for certification. The training is only valid and useful if it complies with Article 19 1 G of the Indian Constitution and applicable legislation. For those interested in self-improvement, Virtued Academy International offers continuing education. Students should get in touch with the IAOTH, UK for registration/accreditation and pertinent local authorities for the scope of practise.
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